Posts tagged nutrition blog
Sodium Deep Dive

“Healthy eating and living is all about balance. Simply leaving out pizza or swapping your pasta sauce can be helpful, but what’s even more beneficial is to replace high sodium foods with colorful low-sodium alternative.”

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Why Work With a Dietitian

“Consider the credentials of who you are taking advice from and educate yourself on the regulations in the state you live in. Knowing who you’re getting your advice from and why can be a huge key to finding a healthy lifestyle.”

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What is mindful eating?

“What matters is that we realize we deserve to enjoy all foods in a balanced way. So take today to practice being mindful about what you are eating and intentional with the environment you are eating it in.”

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Eating Healthy When Eating Out

“Honoring your body with healthy choices is possible in all settings, you just have to go in with confidence and mindfulness.”

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Nutrition and Emotions

“Even when life is going wrong and emotions feel heavy, food is a way we can remember to honor ourselves, celebrate life, and treasure any memories being made.”

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