Posts tagged health
Understanding and Influencing you Microbiome

“…what most people don’t realize is that the trillions of microorganisms found throughout our GI tract makes up approximately 70% of our immune system.”

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Gut Health Basics

“Gut health is not some magical part of your stomach that determines how many calories you burn or absorb. In all reality, gut health could be used interchangeably with the titles “digestive system,” “digestive health” and “gut function.””

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Sodium Deep Dive

“Healthy eating and living is all about balance. Simply leaving out pizza or swapping your pasta sauce can be helpful, but what’s even more beneficial is to replace high sodium foods with colorful low-sodium alternative.”

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Adding Vegetables to Your Diet

“There are so many other delicious and creative ways to add color to your meals without feeling like you’re eating the same thing over and over.”

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How Sweets Fit Into Healthy Eating

“Sweets won’t make or break your healthy lifestyle, but abusing them can. The key is to take a step back, evaluate why you want a dessert at any given moment, and then make health informed decisions from there.”

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