Posts tagged healthy eating
What is mindful eating?

“What matters is that we realize we deserve to enjoy all foods in a balanced way. So take today to practice being mindful about what you are eating and intentional with the environment you are eating it in.”

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Healthy Eating for the Holidays

“Remember your goals, plan ahead, give yourself grace, and enjoy all the holidays have to offer mentally, emotionally, and physically.”

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How Sweets Fit Into Healthy Eating

“Sweets won’t make or break your healthy lifestyle, but abusing them can. The key is to take a step back, evaluate why you want a dessert at any given moment, and then make health informed decisions from there.”

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Eating to Support Exercise

“Everyone's body is slightly different and even if you increase food intake super slow, there may be certain foods and time frames you have an adverse reaction to. It’s all about learning your body and what works best for you.”

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