Posts tagged louisville dietitian
Defining Body Image

“It is important to take time understanding and validating everything that contributes to it in order to grow and create a healthy relationship with the people and things that we interact with each day.”

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Understanding and Influencing you Microbiome

“…what most people don’t realize is that the trillions of microorganisms found throughout our GI tract makes up approximately 70% of our immune system.”

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Gut Health Basics

“Gut health is not some magical part of your stomach that determines how many calories you burn or absorb. In all reality, gut health could be used interchangeably with the titles “digestive system,” “digestive health” and “gut function.””

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Heart Healthy Nutrition

“Medication and chronic heart problems don't have to be a part of your story. Start out with these nutrition tips to get you started towards a heart healthy diet.”

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