Posts tagged louisville holidays
Defining Body Image

“It is important to take time understanding and validating everything that contributes to it in order to grow and create a healthy relationship with the people and things that we interact with each day.”

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Adding Vegetables to Your Diet

“There are so many other delicious and creative ways to add color to your meals without feeling like you’re eating the same thing over and over.”

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Why Work With a Dietitian

“Consider the credentials of who you are taking advice from and educate yourself on the regulations in the state you live in. Knowing who you’re getting your advice from and why can be a huge key to finding a healthy lifestyle.”

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New Years Changes That Work

“Permanent new years changes are possible, you just have to approach them in a sustainable way.”

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What is mindful eating?

“What matters is that we realize we deserve to enjoy all foods in a balanced way. So take today to practice being mindful about what you are eating and intentional with the environment you are eating it in.”

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