Nutrition and Gratitude

During this season of Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Hanukkah, and more, life can often become so busy that we forget to actually be thankful. Between crazy work schedules, potlucks, school finals, and family gatherings it’s easy to focus on rushing from one thing to the next without taking a second to breath. As we talked about last week, healthy eating in the holidays really is possible- we just have to take time to step back and make a plan. However, along with taking a step back to plan also comes the need to take a step back and be thankful for the plans you are making. This week, instead of filling your brain with a long post with nutrition information to go along with the recipes and plans swimming in your head, I wanted to take a quick moment to remind us all about the importance of practicing gratitude during the holiday season. 

Next Thursday, most of us will fill our plates with food alongside family members or loved ones of all different types for Thanksgiving. However, in the process most of us will also forget the blessing it is to be able to do so. This blessing is a factor of many things. One of them being the fact that we live in a country where we even have access to food. Whether we find ourselves eating in a soup kitchen or around our table at home, access to food is not something to ever be taken lightly or forgotten. 

In addition to being grateful for access to food, another thing most of us forget to think about is the fact that our bodies can even process food at all. It’s easy to get lost in focusing on weight, numbers, nutrient density and more, but so often we never take a moment to remember all our body is doing to allow us to even make healthy changes. The digestion and internal processes that our bodies do without us having to give it a second thought is amazing and vital to our everyday lives. Even as you read this, your stomach is absorbing what you ate today, your liver is creating the cholesterol you need to create Vitamin D and digest fats, your pancreas is creating hormones to regulate your blood sugar and mood, and your kidneys are filtering through waste in your blood. Our bodies are doing so much for us at all times and we don’t even realize it or take a moment to be grateful for it.

We would not have the energy to make goals, cook for family, or race around black friday shopping if it weren’t for our bodies doing all that they do behind the scenes. Although yes, proper nutrition and exercise is so important to living a healthy and happy life in the long run. But we just have to remember that eating well and being active are only mechanisms through which we can experience all of the other things in life that mean the most to us. It is through our bodies operating properly that we can live life to the fullest, love others deeply, and experience joy. Our bodies are constantly working to metabolize the foods we eat, and without that work there would be no energy to invest in the people and things that really matter in life. 

So, during this busy time of the year, in addition to being grateful for the food you have, take a moment to also slow down and be grateful for all your body is doing for you. As you move, cook, talk, and eat, remember how much your body does for you each and every day. Give thanks for health, and acknowledge the miracles your body is performing no matter where you stand with your personal wellness goals. Even if you fall short of your goals this holiday season, give yourself grace and realize that your body is still doing so much hard work every moment of the day. The holidays are such a gift and our hope here at Nutrition 502 is that you are able to savor this season and all of the blessings it brings to you and your body.