The Motivation Behind What We Do

The word diet as defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary means: “(n)food and drink regularly provided or consumed.” But, if diet is defined so simply, then why are there so many “diets” out there? And how do you really know what specific food and drink to “regularly provide or consume”? 

Enter: Nutrition 502. 

Nutrition 502 is a group of two Louisville-based dietitians who work to provide you with evidence-based nutrition information that will help you see real changes, set personalized goals, and find answers to all of your questions about the “diets” people try to sell you on constantly. Here at Nutrition 502 we don’t believe there is one set diet people need to follow in order to reach a healthy weight. Instead, we believe that through making individualized goals people can find healthy patterns that fit their unique lifestyle. Everyone is different in their needs, wants, and preferences, therefore everyone will have a different style of healthy eating and exercise that works for them. No one “diet” is right for everyone, no matter how much other people try to convince us otherwise. 

In addition, there is no one food group or food item that is the key to success. So often diets we come across may try to convince us that cutting out certain food groups or adding certain food items to our diet is the key to weight loss. Although weight loss may be achieved from these diets at first, when we feel deprived or forced into a certain way of eating we tend to feel trapped and end up spiraling out of control later on. Rather, if we approach food with balance and moderation we can learn how all foods can fit into a healthy diet. Long-term habit change and success are so much more realistic when we learn how to build meals each week that include all food groups in portion sizes that fit our unique nutrition needs. 

However, as most of us know, sometimes this is easier said than done. We may know the right thing to do or eat, but we fall short in execution. Diet and exercise are both deeply emotional and physical, and oftentimes these two don’t work together as well as they should. That’s where we come in. Here at Nutrition 502 we are passionate about using the concepts outlined above to help people work through the mental and physical aspects of nutrition and find the “diet” that works for them. Both Natalie and myself (Bethany) have personally experienced the freedom that comes from finding a healthy lifestyle personal to us. And our years of experience as Registered(RDN) and Licensed(LD) Dietitians have made us all the more passionate about helping others learn how to do the same. We focus on you as a whole person and will provide you with accountability that yields long term success- the type of success you’ve always been looking for. 

For more information about working with us or to schedule an appointment, check out our website, or email or to learn more about all we offer.